

Legal Department

CBL’s Legal Department is responsible for providing legal guidance and ensuring that the Bank operates within the legal framework of its mandate. It does this through Departmental Transformation, Mitigating Legal Risks, and Legal Support Systems.

Departmental Transformation

  • Effectively address the legal needs that CBL may have.
  • Legal matters are addressed effectively and in a timely manner.
  • Align the role of the Legal Department with needs of the Management.
  • Review procedures as to what specific duties Legal staff can add value to.
  • Timely/specialized advice is provided on Internal/external legal matters.
  • Deal swiftly with legal matters.

Mitigating Legal Risk

  • Proactively identify legal risks to better manage them.
  • Work collaboratively with CBL departments to ensure they seek advice and inputs from the Legal Affairs if and when necessary.
  • Review all agreements to ensure that there are appropriate safeguards against legal risks.
  • Identify, communicate and address legal risks throughout CBL.

Legal Support System

  • Establish strong relationships with stakeholders and address pertinent legal issues.
  • Review documentation to guide the development of the Bank.
  • Consult on the legal reforms that are required on matters affecting the CBL.
  • Take stock of the laws relating to CBL and other financial institutions.
  • Draft/review relevant legislations.
  • Develop network of stakeholders with whom to consult on legal matters.
  • Periodically communicate with Management on new legislation that affects the CBL.
  • Successfully complete all legislative projects.